AAUW Book Club Meetings
Annual AAUW Dinner 2022
Photos below are from July 27, 2022.
The AAUW DIVAS enjoyed their evening at the Southern Tier Brewery. We tried dining outside but it rained. We ended up under cover on the patio.

Honoring Justice Ginsburg. A true friend of AAUW.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Justice of the US Supreme Court, graciously accepted Jamestown Branch’s invitation to attend our AAUW Regional luncheon meeting held in the Chautauqua Institution Athenaeum Hotel on July 28, 2013. Standing next to her is our then President of AAUW Jamestown Branch, Maggie Irwin. That morning in the Amphitheater we all heard her deliver her unique lecture on the intersection of opera and the law. Her whole demeanor was filled with joy. It was such an honor to be in her presence. She was very complimentary of the work we do and supportive of our mission of breaking through barriers for women and girls. She faced many obstacles and barriers. Having the grit to figure out how to get around and over the obstacles and succeed is so inspiring. As the leading force in securing women’s rights, she is our hero.
“In my dreams, I can be a great diva,” Ginsburg told the Amphitheater’s capacity crowd that day which showed her sense of humor.
Photo by Kathleen Colby
2016 AAUW Scholarship Scholarship Recipients. 15 scholarships were awarded this year from What’s New Fair Proceeds. The Jamestown AAUW branch has given out $450,000 to over 400 ladies pursuing education over the years.
2015 Holiday Gathering at the Landmark
What’s New Fair Committee Members
Divas at Hadley House
October 21, Divas d
ine at Gialy’s, 210Pine Street, Jamestown. Ruth, Patty, Maggie, Becky, Kathy, Christina & Evelyn.We dine out again on November 18.
International Women’s Day Dinner 2014
Event Holiday Party 2013 at the Marvin House
What’s New Fair 2013
2012 Scholarship Winners
Financial Planning Program
2012 Holiday Party at the Marvin House
Edwina Martin, AAUW NYS President at the Land Mark with former AAUW Presidents