Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes 


December 19, 2023 

Our branch officers had a short meeting prior to our Christmas Dinner. 

In Attendance: Kathy Stanton, Kathy Colby, Mary Lee Talbot ,Laurie Ginnitti – unable to attend. 

  1. November Meeting Minutes: Amend for action item to write up scholarship information for our website.
  2. Treasurer’s Report  – Accepted as submitted by Mary Lee Talbot.
  3. Agreed to send Marvin House a $50 donation.
  4. Membership Report: 
  5. Kathy Colby shared a month-by-month guideline for the president’s role from past president Maggie Irwin.  Thank you.
  6. The Book Banning Program was an enormous success. In person attendees numbered 25? plus 13 on Live Zoom. Follow up program planned for 1/16/24 after board meeting. 
  7. Kathy Colby will remove title from our membership form. Based on member feedback. No need to identify as Ms., Mr., Mrs., ,
  8. An updated Directory will be sent to new members.
  9. Continuing outreach to Buffalo Branch of AAUW and AAUW NY for membership ideas and updates. 
  10. President’s Report: 
  11. Janet Forbes shared documents from the CRCF including the original endowment fund agreement and acknowledgements of contributions made in 2022 and 2023 including individual and fund-raising
  • As part of our tradition of donating during our Holiday dinner, members were encouraged to go online and make donations. 
  1. Career Closet – JCC
  • Mary Lee took our donations brought to the dinner to the JCC career closet. Thanks to all for donations and to Mary Lee for taking the items in. 
  1. I had a Thank you speech prepared but due to illness of a member, I realized I did not address those who attended and should send out an email or individual Thank you cards. 

Submitted 1/15/24 by, 

Kathleen Stanton, President 

Mary Lee Talbot, Treasurer

Beginning Bank Balance December 1, 2023

Checking $ 3,695.72
Add Deposits

$ 0.00

Subtotal $ 3,695.72

Less Checks cashed or outstanding, expensed in prior month 0

12/26 Check 1033 41.65

$ 3,654.07

Less Expenditures:

$ 0.00

Checking Account Balance $ 3,654.07

TOTAL CASH ON HAND December 30, 2023 $ 3,654.07


AAUW-Jamestown BOD  Meeting

Tuesday, October 17, 2023  

Attending – Kathy Stanton- President, Kathy Colby – Membership VP, Mary Lee Talbot- Treasurer, Loreen Ginnitti- Secretary

Secretary’s Report

The minutes of the August meeting were accepted as corrected.

Treasurer’s Report

Mary Lee distributed the financial report by email before the meeting. The September 30 balance was:

$3695 – deposit this month $129 from September meeting fundraiser

The proposed 23-24 budget was discussed briefly and passed as distributed.

Mary Lee filled out the 990 tax form information so national could file for us.

Mary Lee recently recently represented us at a local “Global Citizenship” event for 8-11 graders. She put out AAUW materials to take and explained that our group strives for equity, advocacy and education for everyone in the world.


Kathy C. has been looking into the California zoom program on book banning. They sent her the zoom and she will review it to see if (all or some) can be used as program material.

Kathy C. will contact Cynthia Horton-McKane, the JCC librarian for an event on the banning of books.

The other speaker discussed for March was Kacey Colburn, Seneca Nation Artist in residence. Mary Lee will approach her for Women’s history month in March.

After discussion about holding live events pros/cons:

It was passed that we hold a live book banning program event at the Marvin House and provide a zoom alternative if possible. We should invite all local organizations to attend as this is a current “hot topic”.

We allotted $100 for the event


Kathy S. will fill out the grant application for $150 reimbursement for our zoom account and find out the end date of our current subscription.

Kathy C. has been in contact with Betty Preble from state who shared lots of resources with her and put an active branch application on our website. She suggested that we share board minutes on our website and that we consider contracting with national for website support.

Loreen Ginnitti

Following the board meeting several members joined us for an interesting program by Becky Nystrom about the Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy. Becky is a co-founder and current board chair of this organization.

AAUW-Jamestown BOD  Meeting

Tuesday, September 19, 2023  

Attending – Kathy Stanton- President, Kathy Colby – Membership VP, Mary Lee Talbot- Treasurer, Loreen Ginnitti- Secretary

Secretary’s Report

The minutes of the August meeting were accepted as corrected.

Treasurer’s Report

Mary Lee distributed the financial report by email before the meeting.

The July 31 balance          6410.72

deposits     720

expenses  3564 – dues distribution and scholarship

balance    3566.72       Aug 31

Mary Lee received the bank statements for June, July and August. She will check with Shirley to see if she can get our budget in an Excel form for the next meeting. She will also check with national to see if our 990 tax form has been filed. She will investigate how two people can use the same password or get two passwords for ????

Kathy S. will remove the expense policy from the directory as it is truly a board policy item and add instructions for the two minute activist.


Kathy C. needs help with ideas for increasing membership and maintaining the website. Laurie suggested she reach out to Betty Preble at NYS AAUW for help with the website.


A discussion was held about having branch programs following the board meeting. We discussed whether members might not be familiar with Zoom and how to use it in this way. We should look for a simple “how to” document. We should also share the zoom link for these programs with other groups who might be interested in our mission and/or the program topic.

Program Suggestions:

join the WLV debate they are hosting at the Jackson Center

Watershed Conservancy – October following board meeting

Pay Equity

November – AAUW national webinar

Jan – Mary Lee – women’s education

national bylaws update and discussion (zoom)

March – United Way sports event

Women;s History Month – March

We will also join the county read and have a (probably joint) day at Chautauqua.

We will invite other interested groups to join these programs and have as many on Zoom as practical.

The next board meeting will be held on Zoom on October 17.

Loreen Ginnitti

AAUW-Jamestown BOD  Meeting
Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2023  

Attending – Kathy Stanton- President, Kathy Colby – Membership VP, Mary Lee Talbot- Treasurer, Loreen Ginnitti- Secretary
Secretary’s Report

The minutes of the August meeting were accepted as distributed.
Treasurer’s Report

The monthly report was distributed by Shirley Sanfilippo as the transfer to Mary Lee has not yet been made. She and Kathy S. will take the minutes of the election and sign the revised bank signature card soon.


Kathy C. has tried to get more information about membership from both state and national but neither has a dedicated membership VP. I believe there are no printed brochures as there used to be. I will see if Betty Preble at state can help her.

Kathy wants to collect member birthdays so they can be recognized at that time.

Shirley is making edits to the directory as we request them:
. add Janet Forbes as Public Policy and Stem
. give info on the two-minute advocate
. add when the board meetings are and members are welcome to “sit-in” on Zoom meetings
. add book club information
The current edition should ready for distribution by email before the September program.


Since there is no Program VP this will always be a general discussion. It was suggested that we consider having programs on the same day as board meetings. The Marvin House seems to be a favored place for programs and Kathy C. will check cost and availability for our use.

The September Pot Luck Kick-off meeting will be held September 20 at the home of Kathy C. Members will be asked to bring a dish to pass, their own place setting and beverage, an item to raffle and a $10 donation to buy raffle tickets. Kathy S. will send out a preliminary “save the date”. Look for tickets to use.

Program Suggestions:

. join the WLV debate they are hosting at the Jackson Center

. Watershed Conservancy

. Pay Equity

. Jan/Feb – Mary Lee – women’s education

. national bylaws update and discussion (zoom)

. March – United Way sports event

. Women’s History Month – March

. We will also join the county read and have a (probably joint) day at Chautauqua.

We will invite other interested groups to join these programs and have as many on Zoom as practical.

The next board meeting will be held on Zoom on September 19.

Loreen Ginnitti